How Machine Learning Can Redefine Lending

How Machine Learning
Can Redefine Lending

Machine learning has done a tremendous change in the way which financial institutions operate. This article intends to shed light on “How Machine Learning Can Re-define Lending,” analyze and understand every aspect from its basic concepts to the point how...

How Branchless Banking is Facilitating Financial Inclusion

How Branchless Banking is Facilitating Financial Inclusion

One of the biggest boons to mankind in recent years has been the internet. It has made the world one large market place where communication happens in real time. The internet has affected every spectrum of our life making things...

What Do Prominent P2P Players Think Of The RBI Regulations?

What Do Prominent P2P Players Think Of The RBI Regulations?

Following the US and UK models, RBI is all set to jump on the bandwagon of regulating the P2P space with strict guidelines. The norms being finalised are expected to release in a few weeks, how are the peer-to-peer (P2P)...

Is P2P Lending Really A Threat To Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)?

Is P2P Lending Really A Threat To
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs)?

P2P lending is a relatively new kid on the block of alternative lending. Though the industry is still in a nascent stage, the p2p platforms have managed to cause their fair share of disruptions. Are these tech savvy trendsetters really...

5 Important Finance Lessons for Entrepreneurs

5 Important Finance Lessons
for Entrepreneurs

It’s that time of the year where people flood your social media news-feed with selfies, old pictures, and hashtags dedicated to their dads. Several of these posts which praise a father publicly tend to instill a sense of pride, love...

Opportunities for Fintech Startups in Singapore

Opportunities for Fintech Startups in Singapore

The “American Dream” was one of those overused buzzwords until a few decades ago. That promise of “No matter who you are, where you come from, if you work hard to reach your goal, you can achieve success” drew several...


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