How the Pandemic Changed the Banking Industry

How the Pandemic changed the
Banking Industry

At the start of 2020, the world was operating normally like usual. Who knew that we were to be hit by something that would change our whole lives within a short amount of time. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the lives...

10 Influential Women in the Fintech Lending Industry of India

From Visionaries to Leaders: Meet the 19 Influential Women of Fintech Lending India

(List Updated March 2023) The winds of change have swept across the globe, ushering in a new era of the unstoppable force that is women in fintech. These powerhouses are making waves and breaking barriers, one disruptive idea at a...

Impact of Budget 2021 on Banks & NBFCs

The Up And Coming Market of Loan Against Property

A business requires a financial boost on several occasions. It flourishes only when it receives financial support during times of need. Anyone would expect that support, especially when the business is in crisis or is expanding. Loan Against Property (LAP)...

5 Key Principles of Digital Lending for Banks and NBFCs

5 Key Principles of Digital Lending for Banks and NBFCs

Brief History of Digital Lending: India has become the home to digital lending startups that have pumped up credit in the consumer market due to urbanization and formal employment. As reported by Inc42 in 2020, there are 5.6 million credit...

How Voice & Chat Fintech Are Revolutionizing the Banking Customer Experience

How Voice & Chat Fintech Are Revolutionizing the Banking Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) in the banking sector is key, especially during and after the pandemic. How banks interact with their clients determines the strength of the relationship between the two—and it must be built on delivering optimal CX. However, creating...

Top 15 NBFCs in India

Top 15 NBFCs in India

Numerous banks offer some great financial products in India. But if you’re looking for swiftness, variety and efficiency, who do you turn to? NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Companies) are save-the-day institutions that provide a plethora of financial products like loans, credit...


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