4 key stakeholders in embedded finance

1) Consumers: Let’s say, Ram uses Amazon to purchase a new iPhone, he’s already in the game! Embedded finance is all about making credit accessible for the consumers’ need.

2) Brands: The place(Amazon) where Ram wants to buy the new iPhone from. These platforms have exclusive data about Ram’s order history, laying the groundwork for personalized financial solutions.

3) Fintech Companies: Fintech companies craft credit products that seamlessly blend into Ram’s digital experience on Amazon.

4) Financial Institutions: If Ram gets a best offer for Buy Now Pay Later from ICICI Bank, the Bank here provides the loan.

Who benefits by doing Embedded finance? All 4? Yes, Let’s see how.

1) Ram gets an iPhone.
2) Amazon gets an order because of credit.
3) Fintech companies give a better offer to the customer by interacting with their list of lenders. It gives a lead to the lenders and gets a commission. This commission is also shared to Amazon.
4) ICICI Bank gets a new customer, Ram.

Embedded finance isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a collaboration between these key players, shaping the way we purchase in the digital era.

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